privacy policy

We recognize the importance of information that can identify individuals such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers entrusted to us by customers (hereinafter referred to as personal information), and we will manage it appropriately and continuously improve the management system and mechanism. .

1. Points to note regarding the use of personal information

When receiving personal information from customers, we will clarify the purpose of use and provide it within an appropriate range.
In addition, we will use it within the scope of the purpose you have consented to.

2. Points to note in managing personal information

In addition to preventing unauthorized access to personal information, or leakage, destruction, falsification, loss, etc. of personal information, we will educate and enlighten employees regarding personal information.
When a customer requests disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of his or her own personal information, we have confirmed that the request was made by the customer in accordance with laws and regulations and our prescribed procedures. After that, we will respond within a reasonable period and scope.

3. Provision to third parties

Customers' personal information will not be transferred to third parties unless there is customer consent, disclosure is required by laws and regulations, or outsourcing is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which personal information was entrusted from the customer. We do not provide disclosure.
In addition, when outsourcing, we will conclude a confidentiality agreement with the outsourcing company and oblige them to strictly manage personal information.

4. Establishment of contact point for personal information protection and compliance with norms

We will comply with laws and other rules regarding personal information, and will review specific measures as needed.